Arrival of Bano Abbas in India & Kashmir

Ghiyasuddin Zorrab Shah, also known as Zorrab Khan Abbasi arrived in Delhi, India from Herat, Khurasaan (now Afghanistan) in 1020 Ad along with Mahmud Ghaznavi of Ghaznavid Empire during the Caliphate of Abbasid Caliph Al Qadir Billah.

It is recorded in historical books that Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi attacked the state of Kashmir twice in 1016 AD and 1020 AD. Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah was involved in the second invasion of Kashmir by Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi in 1020 Ad as the commander of the Arab tribes. It is recorded in the history books that in 1020 Ad, army of Arab tribes in the army of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi was involved in the military campaign that attacked the ancient state of Kashmir, led by Ghiyasuddin Zorrab Shah of the Arab Hashmite tribe of Banu Abbas. Ghiyas al-Din Zarrab Shah was born in 998 AD in Herat Province, Khurasan (present-day Afghanistan-Iran border region) of the Ghaznavid Empire. His father’s name was Taif Shah, who was a military commander in the army of the father of Mahmud Ghaznavi. Taif Shah had four sons named Abdul Aziz, Ghiyyas Ud Deen, Ahmed & Abbass as recorded in Abbasiyan E Hind on Page Number 276.

In Tareekh E Abbasia Volume 3 by Author Riaz Ur Rehman Saghir, he states that in Tarikh E Tahiri which was written in 1600 AD, records that the Arab tribes were led by a young boy from Banu Abbas, Zorrab Khan, whose mother was a Turk. It is about 1020 Ad. In the history book Habirat al-Arab, the details of this incident are recorded as follows: At the time of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi’s second attack on Kashmir, there was a young boy from the Arab Quraysh tribe who was leading the army of the Arab tribes and he attacked the vassal state of Kashmir. . It is written in Tarikh Mosam bahar, Vol. III, that Arab-born young man had captured Panjar (a subtown of present-day Kahuta Tehsil of Rawalpindi) and the Raja had left the fort and fled to Kishtwar (a district of present-day Indian Occupied Kashmir).

Tarikh Abbasiyan E Hind by Mufti Najamuddin Samarqandi, published in 1819, writes in his book that Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah, also known as Zarrab Khan, came to India in Delhi during the military campaign of Mahmud Ghaznavi. Mahmud Ghaznavi’s Arab army was under the command of Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah.

In the History of Abbasid’s of India, author Najamuddin Samarqandi writes that Indian historian Ajat Nag has written in his book Tarikh E Delhi on page number 126 that when Mahmud Ghaznavi invaded India from Afghanistan, the deputy of the Arab army was a young man named Ghiyasuddin Ubaidi. , this young man was a brave warrior. He used to attack the enemy’s army like a lion attacks a herd of goats, that is why he was called Zarrab , the most deadly lion of Arabia and the genealogy of this young man is from Ubaidullah Ibn Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib.
According to another tradition, the word Zarrab is derived from the Arabic word Zarb , which means “the one who kills a lot” .He was given the title of Zarrab and he became more famous and popular with the same name. In addition, in Arabia, Zarrab is called a lion that kills a lot, because of this, Ghiyasuddin Shah became more famous and well-known as Zarrab Khan. The suffix ‘Ubaydi’ to your name proves that he were a descendant of Ubaidullah Ibn Abbas and his genealogy goes back to Saeed bin Muhammad bin Ubaidullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib RA, whose entry is in the famous Arab book of Genealogy “Juzwat al-Iqtibas Fi Nasab Bani Abbass”, “Mushajjaraat Ul Zakkiya Fi Ansaab Banu Hashim” & “Banu Hashim by Shaykh Hassan Al Hussaini”.

Here is the Genealogy / Family Tree:
Ghiyasuddin Zorrab Shah a.k.a Zarrab Khan Ibn Taif Shah Ibn Noah Ibn Abbas Ibn Rafih Ibn Fazal Ibn Ishaq Ibn Adil Ibn Yafis Ibn Saeed Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ubaidullah Ibn Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib

(Reference: Abbasian E Hind 1819, Ansab Zafarabad Azamgarh Hindustan published in 1800, Famous Arab book Juzwat Ul Iftibaas Fi Nasab Bani Abbas, Banu Hashim by Shaykh Al Hasni, Mushajjaraat Ul Zakkiya Fi Ansaab Banu Hashim)

Niqabat Issuance of Genealogy
[Niqabat Al Ashraaf Al Abbasia Pakistan]
[Issuance from Niqabat Al Abbasiyeen Iraq, Niqabat Ul Ashraaf Al Hasnia Al Kelania, Iraq, Niqabat Ul Ashraaf Al Hind in correspondance of Niqabat & Certification of Genealogy of Osama Ali Abbasi – Naqeeb Ul Abbasiyeen in Northern Pakistan)

Mufti Najmuddin Samarqandi has written in Abbasiyan E Hind 1819 on page number 38 that some historians have written that Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah was a descendant of Ubaidullah Ibn Abbas, the son of Hazrat Abbas R.A. Then Ubaydi is listed with his name, while some historians say That Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah was a descendant of Abdullah al-Safah, the First Abbasid Caliph. Mufti Najmuddin Samarqandi writes that some historians have written Zarrab Khan’s ancestor Al Shareef Saeed Abbasi as the son of Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Safah instead of Muhammad bin Ubaidullah And it has been said that Ghiyas al-Din Zarrab Shah was a descendant of Hazrat Abbas, from the generation of Abdullah Ibn E Abbass, while Arab historians in 260 books have written that the real son of Abdullah al-Safah – Mohammad Ibn E Saffah passed away in Young Age, due to which The descendants of Abu Abbas Abdullah al-Safah did not last and he had no son or grandson named Saeed.
In this regard, the famous books of Arab history are Al-Balazari 850 AD, Tarikh al-Tibri, Al-Ansab al-Ashraf, Jamharat al-Ansab Al Arab 1022 AD, Al-Asas fi Nasab Bani Abbas, Jazwat al-Qatabas, Banu Hashim by Al-Daktor Hasan al-Husaini, Tarikh Yaqoubi, Tarikh Ibn Hazm, Tarikh al-Khulfa by Imam Jalal al-Din Suyuti has written that Muhammad bin Abdullah Safah, the son of the first Abbasid caliph Abdullah Safah, passed away, due to which the generation of Abdullah al-Safah did not continue. In this regard, the tradition of Abdullah al-Safah attributed to Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah is fabricated and unauthentic. This Tradition is also rejected by Arab Historian’s & Niqabat Al Abbasia Pakistan.

Apart from this, Mufti Najmuddin Samarqandi in Abbasiyan E Hind further states that Maulvi Lutfullah Allahabadi wrote in the history of Ajmer that Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah was from Banu Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib. He came to Ajmer, India from Delhi, India for the Official Military Command. Hazrat Rukan Masnad Shah was visiting there from Arabia, so Ghiyasuddin stayed with him as a guest. Ghiyasuddin’s dress was Arabic, he had a sword in his waist like a mujahid, he was a young man. After staying for a few days, he went to Srinagar, Kashmir on the order of Hazrat Rukan Shah and stayed there, his descendants are settled in Slogan, Kashmir. Some say that after staying in Srinagar for a short time, he went to Poonch Kashmir where the Raja of Srinagar had given him a big Land.

Alpial Ratan, author of History of Kashmir, writes that Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah was given Jaagir in Shalavajan, now Indian Occupied Kashmir and it was from Banu Abbas and he came from Delhi with the Ghaznavid army to Srinagar then he was given this Jaagir in Poonch Region by the Raja of Srinagar. This book of Alpial Ratan were published in Srinagar Kashmir in 1725 Ad.

Maulvi Alaf-Din Rajouri Kashmiri writes in his book Hijrat ka Safar that we have been hearing this frequently that the Arab army in the Ghaznavid army was under the command of Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah, a descendant of Arab Banu Abbas. He came to Srinagar where, after a successful battle, he was granted a substantial estate by the Raja of Srinagar.

Mufti Najmuddin Samarqandi states that in Saqafat E Kashmir by Muhibullah has written in page number 68 that Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah was married in the family of Raja Mall Ancestors of Kashmir and he had only One son Named Akbar Ghai Khan whose mother was from Raja Mall Tribe of Kashmir. Mufti Najam Ud Deen Samarqandi states in Abbasiyan E Hind 1819 Ad on page no 211 that Akbar Ghai Khan had five sons named Kanwar Khan a.k.a Kahundar Khan, Sardar Khan a.k.a Sarrara Khan, Sana Wali Khan a.k.a Tanawali Khan, Salim Khan and Muallam Khan who was forefather of Dhund, Jaskam, Ghayyal, Sarrara & Tanoli Abbasi Tribes.

It was recorded in Marat al-Sulatin fi Seer al-Mutakhreen 1836, Volume I and in Ayena Quraish 1916 by Sardar Mohammad Akram Khan that when the Governor of Herat Qutb Shah was appointed, Zarrab Khan was Subedar (Governor General of Forces) was appointed to the high position of the province during his tenure. He came to Kashmir in a military campaign and got married to the daughter of the King of Kashmir and settled in Kashmir.

Mufti Najmuddin Samarqandi further writes in his book Abbasian Hind in 1819 that it is confirmed that this is Banu Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib. The descendants of Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah are more religious than other tribes, they are proud of their lineage. They are hospitable, compassionate, generous and humble. They are compassionate and kind. They are plain dressed but fierce and fierce fighters. Their Tribe Ancestor Ghiyasuddin Zarrab Shah, also known as Zarrab Khan, came to Delhi from Khorasan with Mahmud Ghaznavi and from Delhi entered Srinagar, Kashmir on the orders of Arab Kundi. The Raja of Srinagar granted him a Jagir in the Poonch area and he settled there permanently and his grave is located in Kahota. The Abbasids living in Murree, Kahota, Hazara and Azad Kashmir are his descendant

By: Osama Ali Abbasi (Birote, Murree)
Islamic Historiographer & Genealogist
Naqeeb Ul Abbasiyeen in Northern Pakistan
Certified From Niqabat Ul Abbasiyeen, Iraq

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